Upgrade Required: New Vision Camera Naming in Factory r252

With Factory r252, we made changes to the default camera naming in Factory r252 that make it easier to distinguish between different cameras. To take advantage of the new camera naming convention, users must be on the latest version of both Factory and Player. If you are on an older version, you will not be able to configure or set the resolution of new cameras or existing cameras.

Factory r252

Users are not required to take any action to upgrade their factory instance to r252. This happens automatically for all non-LTS customers. You can verify your factory version by navigating to the Account Settings page and viewing the version at the button of the left side panel.

How to Update Player

For most users, Player will update automatically to the latest version (2.2.0), but some users have configured their setting

If you have auto updates disabled, you can update Tulip Player by launching the application and from the top menu bar, select File → Check for Updates.

We hope that these changes will make it easier for you to work with multiple cameras in Factory and Player. Thank you for using our products! For more information, please feel free to contact Tulip Customer Support via support@tulip.co or live chat through your instance or post a question here.