Uptime Bar chart in Percentage

Hi All,

I’m having issues updating a TULIP table from Node Red.

I have a 404 response of my API TULIP Node and I don’t understand why.
The error message says that there is not record found with this ID but when I look into my table, I do have a record with this ID…

Do you know if I did something wrong ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

Hi Paul,

The “tableId” and “recordId” fields in the node configuration are meant to be set for static configuration, and will be overwritten by any incoming msg.tableId or msg.recordId sent to the node. I think likely your issue is that you are setting msg.id as the recordId, but what you want is to set msg.recordId instead - right now it is probably sending the recordId as the literal string “msg.recordId”.

If helpful (since it’s a little hard to find), the book icon at the top (when you have the node selected) should give you helpful info about each node, for example:

Let us know if that works, or if there are further issues!



Hi Kathy,

Thanks a lot for your inputs ! You are totally right and it works fine.

Thanks again,

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