User ID Display


Can we have an update to have an option to toggle off showing the Tulip assigned ID when displaying the User ID? I understand the benefit of having it for duplicate names, but having the blurb of text can be unsightly if not used.

Thank you,


Reviving an old post.

I do recognize that in some cases the internal tulip user ID is making data presentation look weird, but we do have two people with same names in the same Tulip installation so some uniqueness is required.
I actually look at this product suggestion a bit differently than Levi.

In all the companies I have worked at each user is assigned internal initials or “short names”. I have initials of 4 letters at some companies, and 6 or 8 letter initials at others. But for the specific organization they are unique and in our SAML configuration in Tulip it goes into the badge ID.

If anything, I would found it quite useful to be able to see the badge id (initials) in brackets in the tables - which is what we actually use internally for all non-Tulip tasks. Either the Bagde ID could be set up to be mapped as the internal Tulip ID, or the table would show the Badge ID instead. If I did an export or otherwise had to work with the data the initials will make a user unique within the organization and can be correlated to other systems.

So instead of something like this:

we would get something like this:

Have this ever been discussed within Tulip?


Hello @ASharp-J! Have you seen the new GET endpoint for Users?

This would allow you to pull all user details into an object data type within an app. So you could do this within Tulip or call it from a separate system.

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Hi Kevin,

Yes I am aware of this.

Maybe I need to clarify. The apps we build include steps showing captured data in the interactive table widget using a table reference or a table query. These quite often include user data. We then provide end user variables for filtering the data and allow the export to CSV if user see fit. The export is as shown including the internal tulip user ID. It would often look like shown below. It is a data object I assume most Tulip designers would include in their design in some form.

If I built the data presentation around analytics and completions the application do not show the internal ID, but the end user cant interact with the data:


As said we actually do have end users with same name so uniquely identifying who it is fine. In that perspective the analytics presentation is ambiguous and not favoured.

My question is purely directed at data presentation and making the presentation fit how (I assume) most larger organizations have organized user data. I might be wrong :slight_smile: but you did include the badge ID in the user management. It just isnt used in an optimum way if you ask me.

You might read a related requirement in this post, that I expect consistency in data presentation in all parts of parts of the application. Like when time is presented it consistently follows the account / workspace settings.

I might have missed the intend with your post, but maybe you could add to this topic how the provided API change how the data from table or table query is presented in the interactive table widget within the apps?

thx and regards

After original post I was debating signature widgets with colleagues, and can append a picture of how the signature widget implementation is presenting. Here the bagdeID is shown as unique identifier :+1:


I also forgot to note that we are on LTS12.7

Hi @ASharp-J, jumping in here for Kevin. Are you highlighting the inconsistency for when badge ID is displayed vs. not displayed? For example, it is not displayed in completion data and therefore the analytics table.

Would your suggestion be to update the data presentation to be more consistent, probably showing badge ID everywhere so that you have a unique identifier for all users?

Hi Shep,

it is actually trying to point out both issues.

In my view the system should show data in a consistent manor across the different parts of the application. I would normally not state this as a user requirement as I would just expect this from the software vendor. How that impacts how Tulip logs data I have no knowledge or opinion about. I am looking at this purely from a usage perspective.

The second part is making sure the user is uniquely identified. That may differ between organizations, but as my original post says I am just used to Badge ID being the unique handle. So in other system I see full name followed by badge ID in brackets.

You could argue that if you sell Tulip to a customer which do not use SAML and have local user management, and even few users instead of 300, 500 or thousands of users this is not a problem at all. Smaller user bases might just work fine with full name and nothing else. But basically this is not something you make configurable. It is just hardcoded, as far as I can see, in three different ways.

If the system was split in a data layer and presentation layer then data could always be logged in the same way, but data presentation could be configured to a specific presentation that fits the user. Similar to time format. I am sure you will find customers with differing opinions. You can probably come up with a even more creative way of managing this. But if the presentation for user info is relying on how completions are logged I do get that it is not easy to fix.

Maybe others can pitch in on their expectations to data presentation.
It could be that I am just picky :smiley:
