Widget Style Differences


On steps that utilize a variety of entry widgets, it becomes pretty visually apparent that the widget styling (mostly between single select widget and other entry widgets) is handled differently. For example; the single select and text entry widgets in this screenshot are configured identically, but have very clear visually distinct appearances:

Essentially, to make the text appear identical, the widget sizes must be different (font size directly controls widget size for the selection widget), and if the widget size is made identical, the text will be different. Also, the selection widget does not allow for border configuration.

An update to configuration that would allow the widgets to be visually identical would be amazing.


Hi @bklempa, thanks for the suggestion. I can understand how the visual difference with the single select widget isn’t ideal when trying to make your apps look uniform. We will take a look and see what we can do to improve this!

Hi @bklempa hi @shep

unfortunately this issue is known for a while but still exists.

e.g. here:

but i think thats not the only mention…