Workspace settings - Users filter numbers and filtering consistency

Hi, I have three requests to Workspace settings - Users page.

My instance use multiple Workspaces, and W3 has 23 users.

1st request
Currently, I see more than 23 in the “Status” filter.

I heard from Tulip support that this numbers are including the System Administrators.
However, since I do not see System Administrators in the list, I would like those numbers on the filter to exclude System Administrators.

2nd request
Currently, I see more than 23 in the “Role” filter.

I heard from Tulip support that it is including the users from other Workspaces.
However, since this is “Workspace settings” page, I would like those numbers on the filter to exclude the roles/users from other Workspaces.

3rd request
Currently, if I use the Role filter, it does not filter to the users with the specified roles. I think this is the same reason. Please let the filter show only the users with specified role in that “Workspace”.

Thank you, Aoki-san. I am handling these as “bugs” and will investigate with the team.

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Do you have any schedule on solving this bug?

Hello Aoki-san, we have not had a chance to address this yet. Is there some internal event that brought this back up to top of mind for you?

OK. Thank you.
I was just going through my old support tickets.