Zebra Printer Driver - Adjust "Zero" position

Zebra support advised that the “zero” can be set using the print driver, but if I connect the printer to Windows to do so I can’t seem to get it to connect to Player (Serial).

Is there any way to adjust this through the Serial (Player Only) connection?

The issue is that the print is shifted slightly upward off the top edge of the label, and about a quarter inch off the left edge of the label. I can shift using ZPL but the printer won’t print past the 812th dot wide (its a 4" wide label on a 203dpi printer).

Hey James -

It may be that the printer is configured for a label size different than what it actually has, so it’s assumption of the “origin” (upper-left corner of the label) is off.

You found one potential workaround with manipulating the ZPL code, but that has its challenges as you’ve noted.

The more permanent solution is to download the Zebra Setup Utility, plug into the printer over USB, and use the Utility to set the proper label size. You can also use the utility to “print a configuration page” to confirm the changes were set.

If this doesn’t work - you can also try having the printer calibrate itself: Manual Calibration

Hopefully this helps!

(btw - we are working on updating knowledge base documentation to have more information on debugging these printers as well!)

Here is the promised Knowledge Base article with this information - let us know if there is something else you’d like to see on here that would be helpful


Recommend updating to point users to Labellary Online ZPL Viewer to troubleshoot their ZPL code. This is also very helpful for converting image files (e.g. logos) to ZPL.