I have configured the Tulip Player to open automatically when I log in to my Laptop, is there a way to make the Player go to full-screen mode automatically? I know that I can configure the player window to maximize the screen but not make it Full Screen automatically.
This is totally possible by setting the device environmental variable:
This can also be set with powershell commands:
# To set for the current windows user account
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TULIP_PLAYER_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN", "true", "USER")
# To set for all windows accounts
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TULIP_PLAYER_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN", "true", "MACHINE")
There isn’t a university course that hits on this, but thankfully it is pretty straightforward. I will put this on the backlog to become a knowledgebase article.
Hit the windows button
Type in “Powershell”
Double click on “Powershell”
In the powershell terminal, paste `[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(“TULIP_PLAYER_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN”, “true”, “USER”)
Click enter.
Now on startup the Tulip player should start fullscreen.
If you use the browser Version of the player in Chrome or Edge, you can save this shortcut as app.
In this shortcut you can add --start-fullscreen to the target and the Browser Player will start in fullscreen mode (when opened by this shortcut).
Is something similar possible with the Player App?
It would be handy if there is no need to change the environment variables and it would be more flexible (e.g. fullscreen on system start but when opening manually it opens in a window as expected)…
Desktop player does not support the --start-fullscreen command line switch like Google Chrome.
However, you can replicate the same behavior by creating a bat file or a PowerShell file that sets the environment variable before starting Tulip Player. This does not change the environment variable for the user account.
Sample bat file contents would be:
"%localappdata%\tulip-player-desktop\Tulip Player.exe"
You can then create a Windows shortcut for this bat file and change its icon to be the same as the Tulip player. The icon is available at %localappdata%\tulip-player-desktop\app.ico
Minor caveat is that there will be a momentary flash of command prompt window before Tulip Player is started.
thanks a lot for that tip.
I actually had a more clumsy solution with a script file. This one is much better.
I will use this, however in terms of IT regulations and ease to set up, something like the --start-fullscreen command line switch would be very welcome.
I likt to mention, that this script didn’t work on this sturtup today. It opened the player app, but not in full screen.
Executing it manually works fine… maybe that depends on the busyness of the pc on startup…