Connector functions can now only be archived if they are not used by any apps or automations.
This is great improvement for the stability of the App!
I think it should be the same with archiving Tables and deactivating Users.
I also would like Tulip to list all the Apps referencing to archived/deactivated ConnectorFunctions/Tables/Users so that we will be aware that we need to fix those Apps before using it.
Hello Aoki-san, I am the PM working on governance issues, so I have a question on Users.
When a person leaves the company, it would seem like a concerning dependency that all references to them in apps must be removed before they could be successfully deactivated. Seems like a security issue- their login credentials would be forced to be valid past the time they are with the company. What do you think.?
I understand your concern.
In those situation, maybe Account Owners can change the email address and the badge ID of the user, so that person cannot login anymore. If the user is de-referenced from the App, that user can be deactivated.
On the other hand, maybe limiting the deactivation (if the user is referenced inside the App) is too much.
Just showing the warning (at the time of deactivation) and the list of Apps with dangling reference might be enough.
Agreed. For User Groups, we implemented the pattern that you described. But we need to extend the “Where Used” information to Users as well so it is easier to track down the references there as well.
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