Change Size(Width & Height) of the Donut Chart

In the below Image there is Donut chart, The Situation here is too reduce the Width of he Donut, Will it be possible to increase or Decrease the Donut Size/Radius/Height/Width


hello @psp316r, thanks for posting!!

the Donut Analysis you’re sharing is designed to be responsive and adapt to the constraints depending on how large the Analysis is on your App, so as you re-size the widget the Donut will resize accordingly.

you can toggle the legend, but it’s not currently possible to adjust the Radius of the Donut:

if you’d like more customizability around the display of the chart, could you post in Product suggestions - Tulip Community?? thanks!!

Hi @gio thanks for quick reply, as per your reply can I conclude that none of the widgets/graphs sizes can be customised ?

hello @psp316r, just to clarify: they while Analysis can be resized by dragging the corners once you’ve embedded it into an App. however, the radius for example can’t be modified. hope this helps!!

Hi @gio ,

Since the radius can’t be modified as of now, therefore nothing else left to discuss on this. You can close the ticket.
