Change "Text-Variable" background color on certain conditions

Hi, I want to change the background color of the Text-Variable dynamically, when it met certain conditions. Can anyone guide me on what controls can we use for this?

hello @gaurav.garg, that’s a great question!!

there are multiple ways you can check if conditions are met, and change the color of your text. here’s a quick example in which we ask the user for an input and change the background color to red if it’s outside of a range we define.

as you can see, there’s a timer Trigger that checks if the value the user outside of the range we specify. if so, we store the color red in the Variable [Color Variable] Range, else we clear it. you could also put this Trigger on a button click if you’d prefer.

next, we assign the background color of the text (but you can also change the color of the text itself) to the variable we’re changing:

here’s the resulting app with numbers inside and outside of the specified range:

is this what you’d like to build?? let us know if you have any further questions!!

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Hi Gio,
I hope a Textbox-Trigger “OnChange” will come soon, so you have not to go the way with an additional button (trigger).

hello @ChrisF, yes hopefully!!

if you’d like, you can add a vote to this topic that you’ve been posting in: Trigger for when a variable changes to help our team determine how to prioritize this feature.