Another enhancement to the electronic signature widget (in addition to pre-conditions, pre-signature triggers, etc.), would be to enable a “signature status” that is only populated TRUE if the signature is valid, but is also associated with the signature in the record history.
Currently I can change this status after the signature is performed via signature widget trigger, but this change isn’t signed for, it just is. I also wouldn’t want to change this status before the signature is applied to the data, as I am using the signature status as a means to reference whether the updated data is approved and usable, which it isn’t until the signature is applied.
This could be seen as having pre-signature triggers, intra-signature triggers, and post-signature triggers. The intra-signature trigger results should also show in the preview of what the user is signing for, but should not actually execute unless the signature is completed.
Related posts:
[Add “On Start” trigger event for Signature widget ]
[Customising the electronic signature widget - #2 by ASharp-J ]