I’ve got two tables - one is master data, the other is log data.
If there is no master data (master data record ID is the kit barcode) for the surgical kit being logged via barcode scan, the operator can do a manual entry.
I’d like to create a dashboard analytic, table format, to list any manual entries from the log table, so that the master data can be created.
Is there a way that I can filter this analytic such that it excludes any log table rows for which master data has since been created?
Specifically, this would be looking at the (non-ID) barcode column value in the log table and checking if a record with that same value in the ID column in the master data table exists - if it does, exclude from the results, if not, include in the results.
Currently having to do this offline and recursively, would much rather have a “live” dashboard that shows current status for which log manual entries still need master data created (so they don’t need to be manually entered next time, but can just be barcode-scanned).
Want to make sure I understand, what you want here is to filter the analytic table from an value in a normal table?
I also am wondering if this is a case where the true master data is really in the app completions, and if you use that as your source of truth, you don’t need to recreate a separate master data?
So in this case there is a master data table for surgical kit attributes using the kit’s barcode as the record ID. In theory most of the attributes would be static for the life of the set, but it is possible the set could be renamed so we do have an editor app to allow updates to the master data. The main update is changing the sets from active to inactive (Active Set?: TRUE/FALSE). But the set is an actual physical asset, and therefore has a corresponding table record.
If the set physically exists, but the master data record hasn’t yet been created (set barcodes are generated outside of Tulip in another system), the users checking in the sets can do a manual entry of the set info (scan in the barcode ID, type other details like set name, set #, tray name, tray #).
The goal here would be to have a dashboard of these manual entries that excludes any barcode IDs after the corresponding master data record has been created.
Unfortunately you are unable to filter the analytic by another table within the analytics editor, but you are able to accomplish this with the Interactive Table Widget within the application editor.
To do this you will have to create a query and aggregation within the log table to return the list of values you want to use for the filter, then within your app, on step or app enter write that aggregation to an array variable. You can then use the Interactive Table Widget to reference your master tulip table, and use the filters on the widget to say “Value is not in Variable” and this will filter your master table to your specifications. Since you are writing that variable on step enter you will need to reload the step to refresh the table filter, but you could also create a refresh button that would do the same.