Importing Tables with Linked Records, linking Table records to records within the same table

I’m trying to import a csv of a table of components for a project with links to other records within the same table, ex. “Component A is a parent of Component B and Component C”. I have a spreadsheet of each of my components with the links listed out in [“Component A”, “Component B”] format under the link columns (the same format as if I had made the links in tulip and then downloaded them).

If I try and import my spreadsheet with the links written out, it errors on import. If I import the Components without the links, and then try to add the links back in manually, it also bugs out (I can only link certain records to certain other records, and they’re not the links I want to be making)

Has anyone had experience with record links to records within the same table? Has anyone had experience with import csv’s with record links build in? If either are true, let me know!

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Hi @trevor and welcome to Tulip Community! :tulip:

I tried this myself and noticed the same issue you observed. I have a question out to the Tulip team if this is a limitation with the linked records or if there is perhaps something else going on (like a bug).

In the meantime, I am wondering if a different table structure may work for you that allows you to not have to use linked records within the same table. For example, maybe something like below would work? Hard to know without knowing your use case specifically, but feel free to provide more details on what you are hoping to accomplish and we can brainstorm further :slight_smile:

Hi Beth,

I had the same problem as trevor. I tried to import from a csv file a database of Order and Products.
One Order ID can link to multiple Product ID.
It looks like the csv import cannot manage the link records. And I had to manually link the records together which is very hard when you have a large amount of records…
