Is it possible to Print table record as PDF

Hello everyone,

I trying to find a method to print table records, not just a step. As I have seen some similar post before [Print An Entire Table Analysis] (Print An Entire Table Analysis) and Printing variable number of table records - General - Tulip Community

My requirement is just to print populated table records as a PDF.

Thank you


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Hey @jamesjustin -

You linked out to the ways we usually recommend printing table data. I came from a Tulip customer where we had a similar need, we needed to print tulip data onto a very specific (font, formatting) pdf that acted as a customer deliverable. The way we approached this was by writing that data to a table, then using the Tables API to pull data from tulip with python, and generate the PDF. this had the added benefit of being local on our plant network so it could save to network drives that would otherwise be inaccessible to Tulip.


Hey @Pete_Hartnett ,

Thank you for reply.
Can you please share an example, how exactly you will implement it (as a reference).

