Knowledge Base Suggestions: Queries and Aggregations

Hey Community, I’m Lianna and I’m in charge of the Knowledge Base at Tulip! I’m currently gathering suggestions for new articles on Queries and Aggregations and would love to hear from users what information you want to know. This can include:

  • General concepts
  • Best practices
  • Techniques
  • How-tos
  • Accomplishing a specific task

Please drop a comment with what you want to learn more about. Looking forward to your input!


@jmlowden @Amit @thorsten.langner @sebme @jas - Just want to make sure y’all see this and if you have anything you think would be helpful for the knowledge base, feel free to post it here :slight_smile:

Hi Lianna,

I personally would like to see more examples and use cases for queries and aggregations in the Knowledge Base. For me, that’s the best way to learn new concepts and think of how they could be useful to our operations.