Good day some guidance here would be greatly appreciated.
I created a navigation bar with the group names being on each button, I would like to store the current step inside each button so that a user can jump around this nav bar and get to the last step that was used.
I got some direction already and believe on the right track. Here is what I’ve done:
Make a variable on each step with an on step enter trigger: Data Manipulation-store-app into-step name-variable partidNav.
In each button I make a then statement: Go to step by name- step or group name-variable- partidNav.
This only stores the first step name to each step. I then tried to clear the variable on each complete button on a step to move forward within the group, but then the nav bar buttons don’t function.
I wish this was easier to do. Maybe in the future, an improvement would have variables on buttons. Probably a reason why but it would make this type of task easier.
Please if you have any thoughts, reach out. Thank you so much in advance.
OK so all that are curious on how to save step name into a button (good for a navigation bar, where each button is the group name).
You have to first create a variable that will be on each step in the group. (later, you will hide this with a move to back, or changing the color to the background).
The variable needs an On Step Enter trigger; Then- Data Manipulation, Store, data: App Info Step Name location: Variable: ex:groupnameNAV.
Now to the Navigation button’s trigger. The Logic should read:
If Variable groupnameNAV is not blank, then Go to step by name: Variable groupnameNAV
Else if… Then Go to Step…
The next goal is to save the status of this nav bar into a table so that when a user logs back into the app, steps and the variable colors are stored and are shown.
Hi @don.feeney, thanks for taking the time to share this, and glad you were able to work this out! Next time I see you at office hours let’s take a few minutes to go through how you’re thinking through this technique, and how we might bring tables into a future iteration.