Migrating an app to another instance

Is there a way to migrate finished app (with tables) to different tulip instance?

We have instance of tulip for development, testing and “know the environment” purposes and also we support larger company with their own instance. So we would not like to “spam” their instance with some temporary apps or tables.

I know that some things probably have to be configured when moving apps but I would like to now in general if migrating apps is possible and how.

Thank you.

hello @ermingut,

welcome to the Tulip Community!! would be great if you could introduce yourself at: Welcome to the Community, let's meet! so the Tulip team and other members can better assist you.

regarding your question, there is a beta feature (as you can see, being discussed here) that allows for importing/exporting apps. it sounds like you do indeed have a good use case for this, if you could send me (via DM) the 2 instances where you need this feature, I can enable it for you.

once again, welcome to the Tulip Community!!


Hi Gio.

Thank you for really fast response. I will DM you instance names. But for now it is enough for me that this is possible and can be executed or enabled at later date. I really wouldn’t want to create an app in development instance and then being stuck with it and no way to transfer it.


Hello gio,
Is the migration feature active now or is it still in beta development as i would like to also use it . Thanks

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Hi Sanket,

You can now “Import” and “Export” apps to different instances (as long as they are on the same release). This Knowledge Base article should be helpful for showing you how! How to Add/Duplicate/Delete a Step In an App

Hi Beth!

Really awesome article and great feature. Is there something that needs to be enabled first, to use this function?
I tried to export from our instance, but failed.
This function would be a lifesaver for us!

Hi Konrad,

I talked with the team and this feature is currently not enabled by default on instances, which explains why you are not seeing the option!

You can contact our support team at support@tulip.co, and they should be able to enable this for you!

In the future (LTS13 +) this will become a more fleshed out feature as the Tulip product team looks to improve app import/export.

Hi Beth,

Would it be possible to enable this feature for us as we wanted to do migrations of some apps ?

Hi @sanket_kulkarni - Our support team can do this for you! I made a ticket on your behalf, so you should see that in your email :slight_smile: