Hi All
Is it possible to run two or more instances of the Tulip player run on one station?
This is purely for testing and demo purposes. I can understand why this is not good for production purposes. I’m looking for some “unofficial hack” just so i dont have to change between apps during testing.
Hey @Rakitha -
Open option would be to run the windows player, and the web player (your-instance.tulip.co/player) a the same time.
Just confirmed with the team there is nothing that stops this from working. Obviously need to be assigned to their own stations.
thank you @Pete_Hartnett, this is perfect.
Now I have Tulip windows player, web player on Chrome and dev environment on MS edge.
Just a note : I could not have player and dev on the same browser. Hence Edge and chrome.
Below is the message i get when i try to do that. But its all good. I have what i wanted
Hey @Rakitha -
Yeah, this is one of the reasons we tend to recommend against the chrome player. There is some authentication interdependencies that make it tricky to allow both editing and running player in chrome concurrently.
There has been a ticket on the books for the last ~3mo to enable this.
I have the same behaviour with MS Edge Version 107.0.1418.26 (Official build) (64-bit)
You can also run as many players as you want through multiple chrome profiles. Each profile acts like a different browser session.
Chrome profiles are your friend
Ha ha you beat me to it!