This is a small annoyance, but the default navigation audio is extremely loud. I was showing an employee with hearing aids how to download Tulip onto his phone. The first time he selected an app he was practically stunned as the app “just clicked the s*** out of my ear”
Is there a way we could make an admin level setting to mute this clicking noise by default? A logical place to find this would be in the the Player Settings viewable by the Admin.
The other context I can provide here is there is engineering work underway to be able to mute this globally for an entire instance, not just at the player level.
Thanks to your post, @TechnicallyKatie, I learned that this was even an option! I thought I would just have to indefinitely put up with the sound while I edit my apps, so thank you for the detailed pictures. Tulip Team, I would also love if this were a default setting.
Welcome to the Community @carlin ! I’m glad you can mute it now. It still makes me jump when I have a new device I’m trying an app on, but muting is remembered once you set it. I’m guessing the default volume/sound made more sense for apps that display a machine’s current status if you’re out on a loud factory floor.