New Feature Request : Add Format Painter for Buttons

Hi Tulip Team,

Is there anyway you can add “Format Painter for Buttons” feature in the app development? It will be very helpful and time saving feature for us during the app development.

let me know if you need more details on this.

Hi @jay.shah

one of my three subordinate comments is already implemented, you are pushing the next one… I love it.

btw.: dont forget to vote your own suggestion!

Hi @jay.shah, thanks so much for the feature request. Could you provide more details on what you’d like to see here? What formats are you hoping would be copied? Are there other UI widgets where you might find this helpful in saving time? Looking forward to hearing more.

Hi Shep,

Thanks for the response. I’m looking to copy - Font Color, Font Size (Label & input both), Font Style (Bold, Italic, Underline), Shadow, boarder location & radius.

Use case : I’m trying to replicate multiple excel based forms into tulip and I have multiple (at least 8-10) multiline text boxes. All of them has same format and I’m spending lots of hours to adjust all the boxes manually.

let me know if you need more information.


@jay.shah Thanks for the response and more details. We are actively investigating some larger improvements around forms, including styling needs.

Any chance you’d be interested in helping us learn more about what you’re building by hopping on a quick call?

If so, here is my calendar to find a time most convenient for you.

Thanks again for your suggestion!