hello @Ethan, thanks for bringing this back up!! I have asked our Product team to provide an update.
in the meantime, have you considered using a service such as SendGrid to send an email to an arbitrary string as you mention?? here’s a quick demo:
- create an account on SendGrid and get your API credentials (you will also need to register and verify an email)
- set up your Connector Function with the credentials you just created:
Host: api.sendgrid.com
Authorization: Bearer {{your API}}
Content-Type: application/json
3. create a function to send the email:
Method: POST
Endpoint: /v3/mail/send
Request Body:
[{“to”: [{“email”: “$to$”}]}],
“from”: {“email”: “{{enter your email}}”},
“subject”: “$subject$”,
“content”: [{“type”: “text/plain”, “value”: “$body$”}]}
- run the Connector Function from an app
this will send emails as follows:
of course, you can modify the recipient, subject line and body to be anything you’d like.
would this help in what you’re trying to build?? let us know!!