Release 268 - December 2023

Hi Everyone!

Release 268 brings many updates that extend functionality and usability across Analytics, Automations, Device Management, and more!

View the Full 268 Release Notes Here.

Let us know your thoughts and questions below!


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Is the Connector Input Encoding Control only available in the Cloud Connector host?

Hey @thorsten.langner -

Nope :slight_smile: This functionality works with both On-Prem Connector Host and Cloud Connector Host. We will be releasing some more exciting encoding functionality in the next few releases that initially will only be available for Cloud Connector Host, but will come to OPCH with LTS12.


Then it must be another reason.
It works on some connectors but is not available on others. I have no idea why.
Is there any dependency to the actual host address?

Just investigated with @thorsten.langner -

Looks like their OPCH is a bit older than supports this feature. LTS10 and LTS11 OPCH support this functionality. Sorry for the confusion!


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