[Request for Input] Conditional Formatting for Table Analysis & Interactive Table Widget

Hello everyone!

We are working on bringing conditional formatting to table components (table analysis and the interactive table widget) in Tulip! This will give the user the ability to apply specific formatting to the cells according to a certain condition. Such as: in the “Status” field, highlight the cells red if the value is “Not Started”.

If you have a use-case or an opinion on the topic, it would be awesome if you can post it in this thread or reach out to me directly!

Looking forward to everyone’s opinions!


@oviland, @sebme, @jmlowden - I think y’all would have some good insights here / opinions to share :slight_smile:

Hello, @canaalpaslan.
This is great news!

Here is a use case I wrote two years back, still valid for us.



That would be really useful , we can use it to set it for the stock count and identifying late delivery items


This would be great. I just searched for a solution for this and found this discussion. My use case is showing an interactive table which will display if various individual departments have signed off everything is prepared for a job to be run that is scheduled. We’d like to have the table cells show up green or red based on the Boolean being yes or no.

When will this be available?