Return Numerical Value for Populated Fields in a Table

I’m just wondering if there is any way to return numerical data for number of fields that are populated. Basically, I am trying to track headcount throughout a production floor to where I can store those values to track long term. I am new to Tulip so any help would be greatly appreciated.

HI @Cory, welcome to the forum and thanks for the question. One think you can do is use table queries and aggregations for this. I’ll outline the basic technique I would use for this as an example, and suggest how you might use this in your use-case. I’ll also include links to some resources as well.

In the past, I’ve built demos of table aggregations to count the number of fields in a work order table to track the status of various orders.

The app looks like this:

To set it up, you need to create a table query. In my case, I want to see the counts associated with each status in the app, so I create a query filter for the field STATUS to equal APP INPUT:

Then, I’ll create an aggregation for this that counts the number of records that meet this criteria:

The next step is to add the table query and aggregation to your app.

And that’s all of the configuration you need. In your case, you’ll want your table aggregation to COUNT over a query that selects NOT NULL values:

For your use-case, I would do something like create a USER STATUS table. In your app, add a user to this table table each time a new user logs in such that there’s only one row per user. Every time they log in or out, you could update their status in the table. Then you could use the technique shown above to count the status of users at any given time.

Let me know if this helped!

You can learn more about table aggregations and queries here and here.

I don’t have enough information to describe a complete solution but it appears Table Query and Aggregations is likely what you are looking for.

Assumption: You’re using tables (not App Completion data)

First you would want to create a Table Query that filters down to the records you need based upon whatever filter criteria necessary.

Then you need to create a Table Aggregation using the Count calculation on the appropriate field.

You can access the aggregation in an app under the Record Placeholders by adding the Query and Aggregation. One done you can add that to a trigger to run the Aggregation and save the result to a variable.

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