Secondary Reference Line to Charts

Afternoon all,
I’ve been tasked with making a simple top level OEE review dashboard to better see how we are performing to the targets we set for 2025. One thing that was raised was that it would be good to see how were performing against the target and stretch target. E.G. Target for the cell is 55% but the stretch target is 60%.

On the gauge analytic, it would be good to have both targets on there, below target is red, between target and stretch target is amber, then above stretch target is green. This could also be applied to bar chart analytics to get a better visulisation of progress week by week.

Hey @Dan_Ferrow,

Thank you for the suggestion! This could be really helpful in visualising and acting on the data more effectively, it isn’t currently on our roadmap right now but we’ve created a ticket for it for tracking. In the meantime, we’d really appreciate if interested folks could upvote the ticket, it would help us gauge interest and ensure we align it with our upcoming features.