Hey Everyone! We’re kicking off a library content competition to garner the next round of library content from our citizen developers!
Link to submission form: https://forms.gle/XwrGbPhSJvZBz7bB8
- Content Submission Kickoff: August 4th
- Content Submission Deadline: September 8th
- Winners announced: October 6th
- Library (Library | Tulip) bragging rights
- Tulip swag
- Edge hardware
Analytics Templates – using tables from existing library apps, showcase your favorite go-to analytics template for embedded dashboards. (Example: what dashboards can you create with tables such as (Log) Station Activity History?)
UI Templates and Wireframes – send us your favorite wireframe layout for building clean apps that tell a story.
Starter Kit Apps – what simple, robust apps do you wish were part of a starter pack for new Tulip users?
- Are multiple submissions allowed? Yes
- Is simple or complex better? Simple, composable, and robust is ideal!
- What submission restrictions apply? No sensitive data or company data on the app; everything must be sanitized
Reach out to william.vanbuskirk@tulip.co for any questions
Submission Link: https://forms.gle/v7wi4zCm63TxfwNj7