Station indivdual timeout options

Hey Tulip Team,

in our production site we have different use cases like tablets which are used by multiple user accounts (which needs a automatic Timeout set) and we have devices where a machine user should be logged in all the times.
Enabling setting station timeout options individual for certain stations would be a great feature to have!

Best regards,

Agreed, perhaps a general timeout option with exception configuration for “special” stations.

I’ve also come across a scenario wherein it would be valuable to bypass the automatic timeout/logout depending on the app being run, regardless of station.

This might also need to be restricted based on the user (e.g. only supervisor or superuser), but that could be managed with user permissions for the relevant app.

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Has there been any progress on this? Setting timeouts by station (or station groups) would be incredibly useful for us when deploying things like dedicated dashboard stations/apps. The timeout makes these scenarios functionally impossible at the moment.

Does using the web interface shared dashboards mitigate this at all?

Hi @Dan,

There are no current plans to have timeouts by station or station group at this point in time. We will look to pick up this work in the coming months if we have bandwidth.



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