Treat Carriage Returns as Blank in Multine Input

Running into a slight issue while trying to prevent essentially blank Issue Description text via Multiline Input from allowing an email message to be sent, i.e., don’t send the email unless populated properly.

This works if the user strikes the enter key once within the Multiline Input, but fails on the second carriage return:

After 1st Carriage Return (Issue Description indicates entry required):

After 2nd Carriage Return (Issue Description is now blank):

This trigger addresses the first Enter keystroke, but not the second, by clearing the variable and using the Link function to show the default text if the variable is null:

Thoughts on what I can add to resolve?

I was surprised that the Data Manipulation Clear didn’t remove the first carriage return from the Multiline Input widget, so the second firing of the “When enter key is pressed” doesn’t see a null or emptystring in the variable but instead sees a non-blank, I guess just the carriage return.

Hi Jim,

I this on LTS 8.2, or on LTS 13.1? Asking because if LTS 13.1, you have a much easier way of managing and controlling required variables with Input Widget Validation Data Validation with Input Widgets