Tulip Intro Video?

Looking for a 2-3 minute sizzle reel to introduce tulip to the operators who will be using applications built with Tulip. The videos on YouTube go way too in depth on specific functions. Is there a simple basic overview?

This is what we have right now, and it’s decent:

Introduction to Tulip - Operating System For the Shopfloor (youtube.com)

Hey Jason!

This is a great question. Talking with our team, we may not have something exactly right for this at the moment, but can see how this would be a helpful tool for introducing Tulip to operators (and even adjacent managers / leaders who aren’t yet familiar with the platform). We will look into getting something like this made (probably wouldn’t happen until later in Fall with IMTS and Ops Calling coming up).

For now, I think the example you showed is a good one! Here are 2 other options you can check out as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q34dxFgFFl4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32p1YViIH8g

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