Hi Michael! Is your Tulip deployment on the “Enterprise Plan” or above? I am wondering if you can use the new “User Groups” feature to accomplish this in a more scalable way.
I am trying to accomplish a similar goal on creating a query and aggregation on the user table. I would like to create a query and aggregation to make a list of users that have a specific ‘Title’ for a custom field. This aggregation list would then be used as the data source for the selection options of a single select widget. My intended use is to be able to select a user from a dropdown list that all share the same ‘Title’
It seems like it is partially implemented with no actual way of to actually create a query.
I looked into the functionality of ‘User Groups’ and created a group of these users to see if it accomplishes my needs. However it does not appear that any user group data is usable within apps. The Knowledge Base article shows that the groups are only usable for approvals and E-signatures - Create and Manage User Groups. Is there a method for referencing members of user groups within apps?
Hi Logan, your use case makes a lot of sense. In the next few months, we plan on making User Groups compatible with the Single Select Widget, which would seem to solve your use case. You would then be able to select a single user from a user group within an app.
Question for you- do you imagine you might also want to select a user group from a list of user groups? Ie, I want to make this user group responsible for this maintenance task/work order etc.
This is great! Are there future plans for a user groups API namespace, or alternately additions to the users API endpoint?
It would be helpful to make changes to user groups through the tulip API. This way we would not need to rely on account administrators to add people to the user groups. This would also open up more dynamic possibilities for user group use cases such as for email distribution lists.
Thank you. This seems like an interesting possibility. However, for our purpose it seems like it would simplify things to manage these user groups directly within tulip apps.
We are intending to use user groups for more app specific scopes, rather than for an entire workplace scope. The idea is that users could subscribe to be on emailing lists, and being able to add/remove people to user groups within tulip apps would accomplish this.
Another use case it that our app stakeholders could manage their user groups directly from their app. (ex. Program lead can dynamically adjust who they want to have authority to modify data within apps related to their program.)