Great news - We’re excited to announce a much-requested platform update to how we store and preserve numeric data, which we’ll start rolling out as of r306/early February.
Details –
We’re updating how numbers are represented in Tulip Tables and Completions to support capturing, storing, and displaying trailing zeros, for example, 1.20 versus 1.2.
Number data, previously stored in our Postgres database as type Float, will be stored, moving forward, as a different type called Postgres Decimal, which is able to store numeric data with greater precision.
After release 306, we’ll start iteratively rolling out the following changes to instances, finalizing the rollout with LTS14.
Outcomes of this change include:
Operator data entered through Number Inputs will preserve and display up to 20 digits after the decimal, including trailing zeros. Inputs over 20 digits will be rounded to the nearest 20th digit. Previously we supported 15 digits of precision.
For numbers with many digits, Tulip Tables will now show all the available digits, up to Table column width. Previously Tulip Tables only displayed 3 digits after the decimal in the grid view. Selecting the Table Record will show the entire number, as before.
App Builders can now specify and enforce digits via:
On data input: A new Number Input validation rule for specifying the exact number of decimal places
For computation: Updated Expressions for managing decimal places of external inputs like Connectors, Devices, etc. and mathematical computations - ROUND and GETDECIMALPLACES.
One question though - this post says “Operator data entered through Number Inputs will preserve…” does this only work for the official number input?
I have some custom widgets to collect numbers with trailing zeros after a decimal to clarify precision of a measurement. The widgets use props to save the entered values into numeric app variables. Would trailing zeros passed from the custom widget directly to a numeric variable preserve the trailing zeros too?
Storing 1.00 and 1.0 differently is part of our efforts.
Does that mean Significant Figures is coming to Tulip?
To make things clear, please let me know how the new Numbers with Precision will calculate.
If we add 22.22 and 0.1 which would I get?
If we multiply 22.22 and 0.1 which would we get?
(If significant figures are coming to Tulip, my next question would be, how would we deal with the ambiguity of integer with trailing zeros. Significant figures - Wikipedia)
Hi @doneil, Custom Widget inputs do not currently capture trailing zeros and would not be updated to do so in this release. Custom Widgets and other external inputs like Devices, Connectors, etc. are out of scope. Our update is focusing on the Number Input and Tulip Table direct inputs.
The answer to your question would depend on how you’re passing trailing zeros today from Custom Widgets back to the App - are you using Strings/Text to do that?
Possibly easiest to chat live - if you’d like we’d be happy to set up a call!
If a 2.1 and 2.10 are stored differently. will an expression like if(2.1 = 2.10, true, false) deliver a true or a false?
I guess I know the answer, but this is a big deal and will cause some confusion …
Since mathematical operations are not sig fig aware, equality and set operations treat numbers as equal outside of their number of decimal places or precision.
In particular this means that if(2.1==2.10) will evaluate to true. We’ll update the example post to clarify, and also add a list of examples in the Knowledgebase article.
Great question - we’ve migrated previously stored Floats to a new Decimal column, which we’ll be using going forward - so we’d be comparing Decimal 2.1 to Decimal 2.10 - which would be equal.
In particular, the clarification here is that going forward, we’d be using Decimals both for newly stored values and to represent previously stored Floats.
Data collected prior to Release 306 has been completely preserved, keeping the numeric values the same. Any new incoming data is rounded to 20 digits after the decimal point.
For historical data, we migrated Floats to Decimal values in a way that preserved their decimal digits completely. This means their numeric value remains the same when viewed as text or exported in CSV - but the underlying type we’re using to store the numbers is now implemented by Postgres Decimal instead of Floats.