User access management - integration with SAML

We would like to request an enhancement on the User Group functionality to allow it to directly integrate with SAML, instead of requiring manual addition of users into the User Group and link the user access to SAML. This enhancement would be especially beneficial when managing multiple applications. :star_struck:

Hello Shawn, there should be a way that you can map users into User Groups via the SAML settings. Do you have a field like this in your SAML settings within Account Settings?

Yes, I’ve just realized it’s there. I verified with our team, and it has been upgraded to LTS 13.1 now. Thanks! Let me try it out.

Hi @kevin.kononenko, thanks for the hint.

We have a similiar bounderie.

Is it possible to assign specific apps to a custom user group or user role?

What we’re trying to achieve: Manage access to Apps over the platform (user management).
e.g. The user group: “Warehouse Team” should only be allowed to access the “Warehouse App”.
The user group: “Manufacturing Team” should only be allowed to access the “Manufacturing Apps”.

Hi Yannick, i found this in another forum… this might work, lets try out

Hi @yannick , @lauz is correct- our best tool at the moment is to put a trigger on “App Start” that checks a user’s group memberships. This feature can be enabled manually on LTS13.1 by a Tulip team member if you reach out to your Tulip representative.