We make a pretty good team when it comes to sharing ideas & solving problems
Here are just a couple discussions from the last year that embody the teamwork found in our Community!
How to fetch table data when using a custom widget - @harikiran.bm & @tokotu
Best Practice use of Completion Records & Table Records for Process Industry EBR - @JezHarris & @David2 & @Tim_Reblitz
SAP Integrations - @derrick.solidum & @youri.regnaud & @maya
Completion Records & correction or appending data - @ASharp-J & @HCEH & @jmlowden & @danielpomeranz
Dynamic station selection for Run Device Functions [Serial] - @nick.arand & @jmlowden & @QHullfish & @thorsten.langner
Using Query parameters in WEB API connector for timeseries data SQL Query contents - @MosheSabag & @danielpomeranz
Connector Function for And and OR - @kkale & @thorsten.langner & @Pete_Hartnett
Add native ability to trigger something once after x seconds - @sebme & @ChrisF & @danielpomeranz