Community Catch-Up (Late July - Early Aug 2024)

A summary of all things happening in the Tulip Community :tulip: from the last 2 weeks

Last call for Groundbreaker Award nominations!

Nominate yourself, a teammate, or your team/company for a Groundbreaker Award before the end fo the day on Friday August 9th!

New Releases and Resources

Tulip Releases

Tulip University

Knowledge Base

  • We have a lot of new import / export content (tables, connectors, machines, etc.) to check out - Import Export

  • Learn how to use the HTTPS portal for edge devices - Edge Device HTTPS Portal

There is a new suite of articles on how to achieve Digital Transformation!

Upcoming events

Wednesday, August 21st at 11am ET - Build Better: Building a Business Case for Tulip Inspection

Have you seen first-hand the impacts of Tulip on your shop floor, but are unsure how can you effectively show the financial value Tulip creates to support broader adoption to new use cases or other areas of your organization? Then this session is for you!

Community Highlights

Community Spotlights

Featured threads

We have had some great threads around best practices lately - Feel free to chime in on the topics below and share your insights!

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