I’m sure I saw it somewhere prior, but it came (back) to mind when I awoke the other night that I should include some kind of user survey in my apps - something really brief, perhaps two questions worded something like this (still workshopping the verbiage):
What is working well?
What is blocking me from working better?
How are you all soliciting feedback on your operations and your apps?
An initial thought I have is to have a base layout button and trigger to another step that has a feedback form that allows anyone using the app to leave comments.
Of course, the best would be gemba walks on the floor to ask for feedback and watch how folks use the apps, but I know you are based remotely, so that is not always possible!
Hi @jmlowden. We utilize a button on the base layout screen that takes the operator to a feedback step, just like @Beth suggested. We have definitely had the most luck in getting useful feedback during gemba walks and speaking in-person with both new and seasoned operators, but the in-app feedback option has also been utilized.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the step for your reference, and the button that takes the operator to this step is highlighted in the top right-center of the screen. When the operator presses the “Submit Comment” button it stores their feedback to a table, and alerts myself and the other engineer on this product line that a new comment is available for review.
Similar to what @zeiglera mentioned, we also use a feedback application. On every operator-facing application, we have a “Help” button. When clicked, it redirects the operator to our help application, which allows them to submit a production help message or a suggestion/question for Tulip. When a suggestion or comment is submitted, the appropriate personnel receive an email with the information provided by the operator.
We’ve been using this app for over three years now and have made numerous updates along the way. However, we are planning a major overhaul of the application within the next six months. We’re looking forward to hearing any ideas or suggestions you might have!