I’ve noticed today that, surprisingly, user custom fields are not available from the App Info data in the app editor. This currently forces me to read them via a table record on the Users Table table, which is annoying.
Have I missed something? If not, I think this would be a valuable addition.
@thorsten.langner You are correct I was in a situation where I didn’t want to use triggers though. Also, this would be very interesting to have in buttons’ Enabled state expressions.
Hi Fabien, I understand your suggestion. It is tricky to find the best place for User Fields- one thing that distinguishes them from other user info is that you can actually write to them from an app, unlike other user metadata and other things within App Info. So, this was our best way to indicate that they are more similar to table records.
@kevin.kononenko So, if I understand things right, this sounds more like wishing to have a neat and tidy approach rather than a technical impossibility. I totally understand the importance of this.
Some random ideas:
A) Find another name for App Info to reflect that some of its content can be updated?
B) Create a new Users category for users if we consider they are neither an app info nor a variable nor a table record?
C) Always have the Users Table listed in the Records tab with a Logged-in User table record?
I tend to like C since it is both logical and probably close to true technically. If anyone reading this has a suggestion, I’d be happy to hear it.