Allow to close popups using the escape key?


When doing some app building, I sometimes click on record placeholders (in the Records tab) to see where they are used, change their names etc. Sometimes I want to cancel and currently you either have to click somewhere else or click the Cancel button.

However I would find it handier to be able to close popups using the Esc key. To me, it should have the same meaning / intent as cancelling anything being done on the current popup (if possible).

The main advantage is that you don’t have to find a place where to click that wouldn’t do anything or you don’t have to hover the Cancel button with the mouse. You would just hit Esc and it would disappear. That would make me work faster personally.

What do you think?

I think keyboard “shortcuts” in general could be better utilized and explained.

Also would love for the “undo” option to be able to go back more than one action, like when my kitten deleted several widgets from my app a year or so ago.


@fti great suggestion here!

@jmlowden if you haven’t already, you should go vote on this Product Suggestion specifically for undo! Undo multiple actions

I remember when Zelda the kitten tried to do her first Tulip app building :joy: (LTS 8.2 Undo - Only One Step?)

If anyone else in the community would like more keyboard shortcuts in app editor (or elsewhere in the platform) - let us know here and vote!

Not a new shortcut, but if you build trigger actions with Tab-key at the end of the line you will jump to “delete”.
If the mouse hovers the row, it will provide “copy” as well.
If “copy” would be available all the time, you would not need to touch the mouse to add new actions (especialy when transfering multiple variables into a table record or so…)

@Beth Thanks for adding tags to the topic! … and sorry in advance for the following digression :slightly_smiling_face:

@jmlowden I’ve been thinking about this for some time now and I still cannot get myself to realize that your kitten isn’t rhetorical, that this actually happened and that a topic documenting it exists… Here are some mitigation measure ideas, in no particular order:

  • refrain from using PowerPoint of physical laser pointers during app building presentations
  • install a kitten test bench at Tulip to make sure the product is kitten-proof
  • add a “kitten” actor to Tulip’s use case diagrams
  • complain vehemently to MITRE and HSSEDI for failing to mention kittens in the CWE-1384 physical or environmental conditions of concern
  • place catnip away from keyboards
  • place mice away from keyboards