Get user details on to app step

I have a table record with name of user who have done a process that was saved to this table.
On the app step I have to show some details of this user like e-mail and phone number.
Those details are kept in the user table but there is no way to query that table.
How can I get those details from user table ? without making changes to original app (or apps) to save those fields in source table.

Thank you,
Amit Berku

Hi Amit,

You should be able to access the User Table by searching “Users Table” in the Records tab in your app. If you create a table record placeholder for the Users Table, you can use the user in your table as the record ID to load into the Users Table. From there you should be able to access custom field values associated to that user like a normal table reference.

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Hi, Thank you for your help, it was new for me that I can add the users table as a normal table to my app but still, after you do so, you can only add or see fields that are in the custom fields table and not basic fields such as user e-mail, badge id, role, phone…
I have to expose the phone number and e-mail of selected user in a step on app, how can I do that ?

Thank you,

The standard information is available as an user-parameter like so:

or like so:

Unfortunately you will not get them as an object array for displaying a table or so…
(as far as I know)

Getting those details on single value base and not as an array object, is great for me, but what I need to do is get those details for any user that is stored in a variable and not particular one or current user, is there a way to get those details that way ?
Thank you,

Hi Amit,

If I am understanding correctly, @jmlowden and I were just working on this in Office Hours the other day:

  • You can embed the User table as an interactive table in your app
  • Create record placeholder for the user table
  • Create a trigger for storing the current user table record “User” to a variable. Then you can use that variable in other triggers as needed! (see below)

It’s important to note, that the “User” is saved as a special user variable and includes the phone number, email, etc - which is how I was able to make a trigger with my user variable that sends a text message to that user.

Does this help with your application?

In this kind of solution, if I have to pop out user details of ANY user and not just current one, I have to do a loop on this embed table and store all profile data of user in a simple Tulip table, BUT, because those profile data is dynamic, meaning, user can change his phone number by himself or change his e-mail address (with help of technical dept.), I have to run this loop on every change or every day, somehow.
So, your solution is great but only for current user.
To explain myself better, I have as step of daily meeting, managed by a manager, in this meeting he is creating missions of routines suggested by his workers, I have to save in a table the worker name who suggested the mission, his phone and e-mail, not just for mail or sms, but to show those details on another step, how can I do that.
Doing loop on user table is very long process, background jobs can’t be done yet by Tulip (maybe will be in automations but this is not in prod. version yet).

Thank you,

Hi Amit,

Thank you for clarifying what your goal is!

I think what I have proposed gets you part of the way there - you can dynamically select a user from the embedded user table, make that user a variable, and save that user to another table (see video recording below). The thing I am not sure about is if it is possible to then display information from the selected user in the new table. You can definitely access email and phone information through other commands (by using the SMS or email triggers) , but I am checking with the team if there is any way to display phone number or email on its own.

@Beth I was just about to try this using a “User List” array variable type in-app instead of a separate table. Then loop through that array. Could be quicker processing than going from table to table.

@Amit - Wanted to follow up, but it looks like specifically exposing the user information embedded in the user object variable (such as email and phone number) to be used in triggers is not possible currently, but we did make a ticket internally to track this as work to do in the future!