Help for Kepware and tulip configuration setup

Hi team,
can someone please help to share the detailed steps/procedure to create a machine data source via OPC UA Cloud connector?
I want to make a test to connect a kepware server. we are using LTS12.1


Hi @Kasilingam.samy !

These articles may provide just what you are looking for!

  1. How To Build Your First OPC UA Connector

  2. How to Set Up Machine Types

  3. How To Add Individual Machines And View Their History

Let me know if these don’t cover what you need or if you have other questions :slight_smile:

Hi Beth,

yes I followed these step and tried test connection but it’s failed.
just want to know the failed reason to troubleshoot further.

i received the below error


Hi @Kasilingam.samy,

I suggest to try the following steps:

  1. Ensure your local firewall does not block the TCP port you are using for OPC UA. (Both your OPC server host FW as well as your local network FW)

  2. Check your OPC UA server configuration - normally the kepware OPC UA server endpoint is not enabled by default.

  3. Try to use IP Address instead of FQDN in your OPC server URL added in the connector settings. Make sure you are using the correct IP address (should be public IP rather than local)

  4. What Authentication method are you using ?

  5. Make sure you can connect from a local as well as from a remote OPC UA client to your OPC server using the same URL to identify whether your issue is local or rather associated with your network configuration.

Hi Kasilingam, thanks for reaching out here!

I completely agree with the advice provided by @MosheSabag. This is great advice!

I see in the screenshot provided, this connection is going through out Tulip “Cloud Connector Host”. This means the connection is trying to go through the internet, directly to your Kepware server.

To expand a bit on the first point above, I would recommend making sure your Kepware server is accessible over the internet. Typically, Kepware is hosted locally within your company’s IT infrastructure and protected by a firewall. For external access, your IT department would need to configure the firewall to allow traffic to reach the Kepware server and assign a public IP address that can be resolved through the internet’s DNS (Domain Name System).

If the Kepware server is restricted to local access only and cannot be made publicly accessible, we offer a solution: the Tulip On-Prem Connector Host (OPCH). This can be installed within your company’s IT infrastructure to allow secure, encrypted outbound connections between Tulip and Kepware.

Please see this Tulip KB article for more information: Overview of On-Premise Connector Hosts

Thank you,

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I made a configuration changes in OPC UA, enabled anonymous connection and now I’m able to reach kepware from tulip cloud connector host. But from Tulip I’m able to resolve only with kepware server IP address, instead of IP if I put FQDN (full domain name) it’s not resolving in endpoint URL. Is anywhere in tulip backend configuration i need to add the domain name?

HI team,
Any suggestions on this issue please?

Hi @Kasilingam.samy,

There should be no additional configuration required in the Tulip backend.
Does this FQDN resolve to your expected IP address when running in a tool like

Thank you,