KepSerEx to Tulip APP

Gone through the Tutorials, but not able to create make a connection between Tulip and the KepSerEX.

Is there any way connect them or is it not possible ?

Hello Shashi,

What kind of error are you experiencing (connection time out, unable to login etc)?

Since Tulip is a cloud-based service, it is important to ensure everything is set up from a networking perspective such that Tulip can communicate with your KEPServerEX server.

Here is a good article that discusses the steps necessary to do this.

Let us know if you need any clarifications.

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Hi @jfasenjo , My question was, I have configured everything on the KEPServerEX, how can I connect KEPServerEX to the Tulip, to get the data !!

@psp316r you will need the following to be set up by your IT department:

  • Allow incoming access from (our CIDR block) into your intranet
  • A public static IP address and port number for your KEPServerEX server that Tulip can resolve

Once those requirements are met, Tulip can connect to your KEPServerEX server.

From there you can build an OPC UA connector referencing the information setup from the steps above and by following this article How To Build Your First OPC UA Connector | Tulip Knowledge Base - Support for Building Operations Apps. These steps allow you to begin mapping your OPC UA tags to machine attributes in Tulip which can then be used in your applications.

Does this help?

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Hi @jfasenjo ,

Installed the KepServerEX V6.6 on the Azure Virtual Machine, need to connect it with the tulip Machine Data Sources of the tulip, Please guide !!

Shashi Preetham

Hey @gio and @jfasenjo ,

Connected KepServerEX with Tulip from Azure VM. Sharing the Process.
Kepware and Tulip Configurations.pdf (120.3 KB)

This can be closed now.
