Tulip to Kepware

How we can send data from tulip to Kepware using HTTP connector?

Hey @muppagouniharsha1, welcome to the community and thanks for the question. Typically when folks are interacting with Kepware, it’s to send data to the machine monitoring capabilities of Tulip. We have this documented here.

Let me do some digging and see if we can also interact with Kepware via connectors .

Just a quick follow-up:

It is possible if with the Kepware IoT API module add-on. Check out this thread for a little more context

This thread also has good information on it.

Let me know if this is enough to get you started

Through this we able to read the values in tulip. How we can send the data to kepware. like changing data in kepware?

Hi @muppagouniharsha1, thanks for the follow-up.

The way other folks have approached this is using kepware’s IoT Gateway product to expose the OPC UA server, and then using HTTP connectors in Tulip to write to the server.

More on this here.

Let me know if this helps.