After using the Signature feature, the signature is not saved in the specified record placeholders. It also cannot be checked in the Record History. I tried specifying the ID of the record to be referenced directly, but it still did not work. I would appreciate any insights you might have on the items to check in order to resolve this issue.
Thank you for your assistance.
Are you able to provide some screenshots or additional details about how your signature widget is set up and linked to your record history? Is everything set up per instructions here: How to Use the Electronic Signature Widget ?
Are you testing the signature in dev mode or in Player?
Hello Beth,
Could you please let me know if e-signature details are not stored anywhere if I test the signature in DEV mode? I used the signature widget and tried to fetch the signature information in Record History in DEV mode. But I’m not able to see any signature details in Record History. I’ve followed the configuration for E-sig & Record History. Am I missing something? It will be very helpful if you can give me some idea.
You haven’t missed anything here. Dev Mode has some limitations in it’s ability to test Tulip Apps, one of which that the Record History Widget will not show changes since Dev Mode intentionally does not update data / tables (as to not affect production data).
To test your app, you could run it in Player, but you want to ensure you data is separated so you don’t affect your production data (using workspaces or separate instances like many of our GxP/regulated customers do) - see here:
I acknowledge there are some things we could update to make these articles a little more clear about Dev Mode vs Testing in Player, so we will work on that!
Som general advice -
I recommend dev mode for testing small functionalities or seeing how little things work. i.e I added a button with a few message triggers, let me test it really quickly. Any more substantial testing, or confusion how something is running when testing in dev mode, I always recommend just going to player for reliability.