How to create a step which displays BOM info but specific to a works order?

For example, If Our BOM is fixed to 1 litre of formulated liquid. But if i want to make 2L or 3L that would need to scale. What is the best way to do this?

Say i use sage to create a works order. I would need the app to pull from sage the works order which would identify how much of each component to use? Is that correct?

Can i use this works order then to subtract the stock used from inventory at this point / at app end also? Rather than setting up a BOM i can just use the works order to specify what is required?

Apologies if this is confusing, new to tulip.



Hey Sean,

You can certainly do those things! It might be easier to show you live, so I can touch on the concepts behind these connections as well. Would you be able to join Office Hours tomorrow?
They’re every Thursday at 11am EST. You can sign up at this link.

Let me know if you can’t make it.

-Kailey :grinning:

Hi Kailey,

Yes that should be fine, il try and be there!



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