Picking-Optimized Put-Away?

Is anyone leveraging Tulip or other systems/devices to direct inventory put-away such that future picking is optimized?

For the use case I am considering, we have potentially alot of wasted movement during the pick process as the current system just looks for the nearest location in the warehouse with adequate volume to store the items ready for put-away.

We are also considering using an RTLS to track the location of product through from inbound through inspection and storage to outbound - the data from this could be used to define an optimal pick route to reduce wasted movement, but I’m thinking beyond that, could we leverage order data to forecase what items are most often picked together and structure our storage in a way that co-locates items that tend to be kitted together?

Our specific use case is for surgical loaner kits at a national warehouse - kits include surgical instruments and implants, with certain combinations of kits being ordered for specific surgeries such as a knee, hip, or shoulder joint reconstruction.