Update columns of a Table

I am stuck: I want to update the column of all records in a Table when my App starts, so I can’t use a normal trigger. I want create a function which updates the column of every record. I have two tables and want to store the sum of the kg from the storage in the Input material- table. But the right sum should be stored in the correct record where the materials match. Does anyone have an idea?

hello @katha!!

so to address your first point, you can actually add a trigger on App Started:

regarding updating the records in the Input Material Table: you can create multiple Table Records to the Input Table, and then update them on App Start.

would that work for you??

it should be variable, so many placeholders wouldn’t be the best solution. Is there a way where I can add a function like where Inputmaterial.ID=Storage.Material number then SUM(Quantity) ?

hello @katha, that is currently the fastest way to implement what you’re describing based on what I’m understanding.

that being said, Table Queries will be released soon (more info.: Multiple Sorts in Tables) and will help with this use case. keep an eye out in the Announcements category!!