Variable selection in a trigger more user friendly

Hi there,
i noticed that the variable seletion in a trigger is different from other selections and much laborious cause i must scroll through the variables.
So please make it user friendly like at other points with typing parts of the name for faster selection.

Regards Chris

Hi Christian, sorry for the delay. What kind of app are you building, and what are you using all the variables for?

I am curious because I am wondering if we need to solve this in a different way- better data structures, for example.

Hi Kevin,
compare this two variable selctions: one time New Variable at the end of the list, one time at the head and i can type for filtering the vars
That should be identically (2 different developers? :wink:

Regards Chris

Thanks Chris. I understand the two variable dropdowns that you are talking about.

However, I am curious as to why you have so many variables in your app so that it becomes painful. What are you using all the variables for?

Perhaps another solution is to just add new data structures within Tulip so that people do not need to create so many individual variables!

Hi Kevin,
how to handle all the data from a test protocol with nearly 80 proofing steps? For every step there are fields ok/not ok with switching to error steps if neccessary. In addition there are a lot of mandatory fields which i highlight with colors (so i need a lot of variables to handle the colors). All data are stored in 6 tables to structure the data and handle the table limitations (~80 columns).
It is not possible to use the same variables on every step, so there are a lot of them :slight_smile:

I discussed this with my support from DMGMORI but we have no better solution to handle this.

So i think it is also very user friendly to see the same input and selection fields i see at different places inside Tulip, like windows or MacOS does: the same file dialog all over the system.
My question is also: why do you use different selection/input dialogs? One with filter one without? :wink:
Regards Chris