These are the product updates in release 201.
Table Queries (Beta)
With Release 201, we are bringing Table Queries to Tulip. Queries allow users to filter, sort, and aggregate information in Tables and in apps with the Tables Widget. This feature is in Beta. If you would like to try Table Queries, reach out to us to enable it.
Updates to Connectors
- Descriptions can be added to Connector functions
- Connector functions require a name-value to save
- SQL queries will now wrap in the SQL editor, making it easier to read
- In addition the SQL editor will resize properly when the window is resized
More Features:
- Input widgets can be connected to table records
- Process or Step Timer Widget can be set from interval variables or interval table fields
- New “is in” filter in Table API for filtering queries
- Support for opening a document in an external program through a trigger in Player
- You can now export the User table to a .CSV file
Bug Fixes
- Cancel button on HTTP Connector Modal always cancels
- Memory leak is resolved when publishing app state data in Player
- Imported machines copy properly
- Touch scrolling in Player on Windows devices operates as intended
- Table columns sort in the correct order when sorting Tables with links