You also had a lot of great suggestions to make Tulip better - and we listened!
These product suggestions (and many more!) made it into the Tulip Platform in 2024
Quality of life: Comments in triggers - @ulisesgomez, @TechnicallyKatie, @sebme, @jmurray, @schexb, @scott.hodges @ChrisF, @shaysc, @kellen.linse, @kkl
Flexibility With User Roles -@jacob.dahlgren @Kirklana @ta-aoki @aaronbroussard @Alan.Madorin @mellerbeck @jjj
Disable and hide Input Widgets - @stijn.devriendt @Rakitha @mcc6025 @ASharp-J @Aiden.M @thorsten.langner @mellerbeck
Save signing user from Signature Widget in a variable - @Bianca8a @emendoza @ChirristopherOficial @Luisjaime @Jian
Email Distribution Groups - @michael.wood @Jim @Levi @alec.giljohann @dsun
Allow to check the length of an array without having to store it into a variable - @sebme @jasonh @antoine.jeanrichard @thorsten.langner
Would be useful to expose App Info.Station ID! - @mellerbeck @BillyJo
Option to fix objects positions - @axelw @salimjasarevic @MarkStuttard
Image input widget can handle Base64String as a data source - @Akira @wkurth4008 @ASharp-J @youri.regnaud @emendoza @LukasB
Apps pending of approvals - @ChirristopherOficial @emendoza @Shrmnatr
Looking for a way to reference the current Date/Time in an analytical dashboard - @sebme @ktoole